Thursday, October 08, 2015

Availablity , Statistics and Performance (ASAP)

ASAP Monitors hundreds of Objects in Real-Time.

It Provides goals and actions to repair or restart system and Application Components.

ASAP has a wide range of visual and programmatic interfaces,
       - Including EMS,
       - Conversational interface,
       - Fat and thin client interfaces,
       - Provider/Consumer APIs
       - Email
       - Phone Notifications with color-coded HTML reports
       - Customizable GUIs with user-defined Dashboards and
Long term Historical Database with up to eve 10 years worth History of all Availablity,
statistics and performance data.

ASAP Can integrate with HP operations manager.

ASAPX in an API into the ASAP infrastructure to monitor the availablity and performance ob abstract application domains.

ASAP Hybrid plug-in for Linux integrates Linux Application metrics into ASAP, providing a visa of the entire application spanning across Nonstop and Linux systems.

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